Hey guys! Today I’m sharing with you 7 standalone recolors of the Parenthood Game Pack’s cropped sweater, so I made 4 simple recolors that come in the same 20 swatches each, just different tones, and 3 recolors with prints that come in 32 swatches each.
I’ve been working on and off on this sweater for days, and I decided to stop the madness and finally upload it.
The reason why it took me so long is because I made some of the prints myself, and I’ve never done that before I also took a break to make an eye recolor which I’ll be uploading soon.
Not Base Game Compatible
Available for teen-young adult
Standalone custom thumbnails
Created with love using Sims4Studio and Photoshop. 
You need
The Sims 4 Parenthood Game Pack.
EA Games/Maxis
All the CC makers whose amazing items I used for my preview

Custum thumbnails
20 swatches each
Lighter: SFS
Light: SFS
Dark: SFS
Darker: SFS
Solids merged: SFS

 Science Prints
Custum thumbnails
32 swatches

Book Prints
Custum thumbnails
32 swatches


 Nerdy Prints
Custum thumbnails
32 swatches

Printed merged: SimFileShare
All merged: SimFileShare
PS. These are the hardest recolors I got to make so far, since the female chest makes it so hard to work on printed shirts. The prints might get distorted depending on the breasts’ size.
Hope you guys like them! Sorry for the long post.
Thank you all for downloading my stuff and keeping me going!
Love, Nords xx