What's up beautiful people! A while ago a nonny on Tumblr asked me if I could make a Maxis Match Necklace, they asked for something simple, now I don't think this one is quite simple but this is the first idea I got.
It's a Custom Content Necklace for The Sims 4 and it's my first ever accessory mesh, so yay!
I hope it's good enough for you nonny and I hope you guys like it.
Known issue: Just like the EA necklace I used, it distorts depending on the upper body's shape. However if you spot any other glitch or encounter any kind of problems, please, feel free to Contact Me Here or via my Tumblr.
If you'd like to recolor / edit / convert it, go ahead but before you do, make sure to thoroughly read my Terms of Use.
Peace, N◊RDS xoxo
Consider Buying Me a Hot Chocolate
Further Information
◊ Edited EA mesh.◊ Two versions.
◊ Base Game Compatible.
◊ Proper LODs.
◊ 5 Swatches.
◊ Custom thumbnails.
◊ Available for teen-elder female.
◊ Proper categories and tags.
◊ Disabled for random.
◊ Recolors Allowed.
Tools used
◊ Sims4Studio.◊ Blender.
◊ Photoshop.