Hello my sweet friends! Today I'm sharing with you a new Custom Content for The Sims 4, it's a shorter version of my Diana Hair, a lot of you liked it, so I thought why not?
I've worked on and off on this one, I hope it was worth it and you guys like it.

If you spot a glitch or encounter any problem, please, don't hesitate to Contact Me Here or via my Tumblr.
If you plan on recoloring / editing / converting it, remember to take a look at my Terms of Use.
Peace, N◊RDS xoxo
Consider Buying Me a Hot Chocolate
Further Information
◊ Edited EA mesh.◊ Base Game Compatible.
◊ Hat Compatible.
◊ Proper LODs.
◊ 18 EA/Maxis colors.
◊ Custom thumbnail.
◊ Available for teen-elder female.
◊ Proper categories and tag.
◊ Disabled for random.
◊ Recolors Allowed.
Tools used
◊ Sims4Studio.◊ Blender.
◊ Photoshop.
◊ EA Games/Maxis.
◊ Freepik for the label.
◊ The CC creators whose CC I used in the previews.
Special Thanks
◊ Nolan-sims and Magnolianfarewell for their help.◊ The CC creators whose CC I used in the previews.