Sul Sul simmers ⧫ I hope you're doing well! Today I'm sharing with you my second Sim Dump of the models I use to showcase my Sims 4 CC Swimsuits (hence the name).
Remember to check "Include Custom Content" under "Advanced" for them to show in your gallery after downloading them.
- Female Young Adult Sim.
- Romantic, Art Lover, and Family-Oriented.
- Not available for download in the gallery.
- Base game.
CC used
◊ Hair: 1989 Hair by Primadonna Sims. | DOWNLOAD.◊ Skinblend: Ooh Smooth 2 by Luumia Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyebrows: Dolce Eyebrows N17 by Pralinesims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyelashes: 3D Lashes Version 2 by Kijiko-sims. | DOWNLOAD. (Glasses)
◊ Eyes: Quartz Eyes V2 by Cupidjuice. | DOWNLOAD. (Default)
Outfit and Makeup:
All Categories:
◊ Dress: Pretty Breezy by Nolan-Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sandals: Dries Van Noten by Mauvemorn. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Gown: Dress 030 by BEO Creations. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Lips #12 by Aveira Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sneakers: Pixicat Nike High by Lumy Sims. | DOWNLOAD
◊ Sweater: Cropped Sweater Recolors by Pixel Sim Dreams. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Jeans: Eyelet High Waisted Skinny Jeans by JS-Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sneakers: Semller High Converse Recolors by Sympxls. | DOWNLOAD.
- Female Young Adult Sim.
- Genius, Vegetarian, and Good.
- Not available for download in the gallery.
- Base game except her formal hair, it came with The Sims 4 Holiday Celebration Pack.
CC used
◊ Hair: Newt Hair by WMS. | DOWNLOAD. [Included].◊ Skin tone: Skintone Set V3 by Ms Blue. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Skinblend: Mabelle Skinblend by me. | DOWNLOAD. [Included].
◊ Eyebrows: Maxis Match Eyebrows for Days by Pacaplumbobs. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyelashes: 3D Lashes Version 2 by Kijiko-sims. | DOWNLOAD. (Skin details)
◊ Eyes: Eyes #15 by AveiraSims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eye-bags: Eyebags + by Kismet-Sims. DOWNLOAD.
Outfit and Makeup:
◊ Jeans: Sad Valentine Jeans by Cupidjuice. | DOWNLOAD. [Included].
◊ Sneakers: Super Star Sneakers Recolors by Renorasims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eye-shadow: Zenithar Eyeshadow by Weepingsimmer. DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Lipstick #1 by MS Mary Sims. DOWNLOAD.
◊ Saree: Saree - 1 by Ekinege. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Cehrie Mild Lipstick by moi. DOWNLOAD. [Included].
◊ Outfit: Tank Jumpsuit with High Waist Belt by NyGirl Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
+ Nude Bottoms by Trillyke. | DOWNLOAD.
- Female Young Adult Sim.
- Creative, Art Lover, and Loves Outdoors.
- Not available for download in the gallery.
- Base game.
◊ Hair: Chanel Hair V1 by She Speaks Simlish. | DOWNLOAD.◊ Skin tone: Skintone Set V3 by Ms Blue. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Skinblend: Soft Skin V2 by Nessa-Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyebrows: Raye Eyebrows by Pralinesims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyelashes: 3D Lashes Version 2 by Kijiko-sims. | DOWNLOAD. (Skin details)
◊ Eyes: Eyes #11 by AveiraSims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eye-bags: Basic 10 Eye Bags Set by Tamo-Sim. | DOWNLOAD. [Included].
◊ Freckles: Body and Face Freckles by Simsontherope. | DOWNLOAD.
Outfit and Makeup:
◊ Jacket: Spare Me by Leeleesims1. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Dress: Maeve Dress V2 by Blog Simple Simmer. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sneakers: Basic Skater Shoes by Onyx Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eye-shadow: Peach Perfection by Simlish Sweetie. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyeliner: Eyeliner 01 by Alf-Si. Donwload DOWNLOAD.
◊ Blush: BareMinerals Blush by WeepingSimmer. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Lipstick #1 by MS Mary Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Choker: Reneed Choker by Pralinesims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Dress: Lorelei Dress by Trillyke. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sandals: Madlen’s Onix Shoes - Recolor by AveiraSims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Blush: BareMinerals Blush by WeepingSimmer. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Lipstick #1 by MS Mary Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Blouse: Flora Finale Blouse by Nolan-Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Jeans: Tamsin Jeans by Bonehlda. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sneakers: Super Star Sneakers Recolors by Renorasims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Dress: Maeve Dress V2 by Blog Simple Simmer. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sneakers: Basic Skater Shoes by Onyx Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eye-shadow: Peach Perfection by Simlish Sweetie. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Eyeliner: Eyeliner 01 by Alf-Si. Donwload DOWNLOAD.
◊ Blush: BareMinerals Blush by WeepingSimmer. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Lipstick #1 by MS Mary Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Choker: Reneed Choker by Pralinesims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Dress: Lorelei Dress by Trillyke. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sandals: Madlen’s Onix Shoes - Recolor by AveiraSims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Blush: BareMinerals Blush by WeepingSimmer. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Lipstick: Lipstick #1 by MS Mary Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Blouse: Flora Finale Blouse by Nolan-Sims. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Jeans: Tamsin Jeans by Bonehlda. | DOWNLOAD.
◊ Sneakers: Super Star Sneakers Recolors by Renorasims. | DOWNLOAD.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫
Poses used:
- From Lookbook V.15 by FlowerChamber. | DOWNLOAD.
- From Jewelry Pose V2 by Daisylove126. | DOWNLOAD.
- From Nanda Made by Catsblob. | DOWNLOAD.
- From Model poses 17 by HelgaTisha. | DOWNLOAD.
Unedited images:
If you want to check out the unphotoshopped screenshots, you can do it HERE.How to Install
- Download the sim you want.
- Extract the files to "Documents\ Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray"
- Open your gallery in-game, check "Include Custom Content" under "Advanced".
- EA Games/Maxis.
- All the CC creators whose CC I used.
- Freepik for the label.
- Cupidjuice, WMS, and Tamo-Sim.
Special Thanks
- The CC creators whose TOU are so generous as to let me include their CC.
- Those who want to support me by Buying Me a Hot Chocolate.
You may do whatever you like with my sims, rename them, edit them, ...etc, just don't re-upload them, unless you edit them.
Ps. I'm sorry my posts are long but I like to keep the names of the CC and their creators, so that if the links get broken you'll know what to search on Google.