Hey simmers, how are you doing these days?
I am very happy to share with you my revamped version of that wavy bob hair that came with The Sims 4 Discover University.
At first I wanted to make it a bit longer and make the bangs less straight, but the more I worked on it the more I wanted to edit it.

And once I was satisfied with it I soon discovered that the original hair had some flaws that I absolutely needed to fix (See picture below), and so began a long labor of love, and it resulted in this cute hair that I hope you like.

Check out my other Maxis Match CC hairs HERE.
If you want more CAS Items, take a look at my Custom Content Page.
I've done everything in my power to make this hair look as perfect as possible, but if you spot any imperfection that I might have missed, Contact Me Here or via Tumblr and I'll try to fix it.
You have my blessing to recolor / edit / convert this hair. But here are my Terms of Use, if you want to read them anyway.
Peace, N◊RDS xoxo
Consider Buying Me a Hot Chocolate
Further Information
◊ The Sims 4 Custom Content.◊ Maxis Match.
◊ Edited EA mesh.
◊ Base Game Compatible.
◊ Hat compatible.
◊ Proper LODs.
◊ Custom thumbnail.
◊ 18 EA colors.
◊ Available for teen elder female.
◊ Proper categories and tags.
◊ Disabled for random.
◊ Recolors Allowed.
Tools used
◊ Sims4Studio.◊ Blender.
◊ Photoshop.
◊ EA Games / Maxis.CC used
◊ All : Sim Download - Eyes.◊ Sim 1 : Skinblend 1 & 2 - Eyebrows - Eye-bags - Cheek Redness - Lipstick.
◊ Sim 2 : Genetics - Eyebrows.
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