Farmer Sims 4 CC Overalls V2

What's up guys!

I wanted to make my Farmer Overalls even more adequate to the Farming Theme and to focus more on getting a realistic outfit and less on making a cute one.
So I decided to make them longer but rolled up, and to achieve that I used the bottom mesh of that outfit that came with the Cats and Dogs Pack.

I hope you like it. Happy Simming!

Farmer Sims 4 CC Overalls V2

Do not hesitate to Contact Me Here or via Tumblr should you encounter any trouble while downloading ot using these overalls, I will do my best to try and fix it as soon as possible.

You have my permission to do almost anything you want with these (recolor / edit / convert...) but if you have any doubts visit my Terms of Use first.

I invite you to take a look at my other Maxis Match CC clothes by visiting This Link and to visit my Custom Content Page to check all my Maxis Match CC.
Peace, N◊RDS xoxo

Consider Buying Me a Hot Chocolate

Further Information

◊ The Sims 4 Custom Content.
◊ Maxis Match.
◊ Edited EA mesh.
◊ Base Game Compatible.
◊ Proper LODs.
◊ Custom thumbnail.
◊ 12 swatches.
◊ Available for teen-elder female sims.
◊ Proper categories and tags.
◊ Disabled for random.
◊ Recolors Allowed.

Tools used

◊ Sims4Studio.
◊ Blender.
◊ Photoshop.


◊ EA Games / Maxis.

CC used

All : Default Skinblend - Eyes - Eyelashes.
Sim 1 : Hair - Hairline - Skin - Skinblend 1 2 - Hairline - Eyebrows - Eye-bags - Eye-shadow - Blush - Eyeliner - Lipstick - Shoes.
Sim 2 : Hair - Hairline - Skin - Skinblend - Moles - Eyebrows - Eyes - Eye-shadow - Lipstick - Shoes.